Did you know, through ‘Precision muscle testing,’ the stuck emotion to an event or sore muscle can be revealed so you can begin to release that stress and the body can carry on?
“The distinction between past, present, and the future is only an illusion, however persistent. Time, is not at all what it seems. It does not flow in only one direction, and the future exists simultaneously with the past.” ––Albert Einstein
One Brain™ Precision Muscle testing, self as source, is a direct and precise skill used to access your entire life experience through whole brain/body feedback to unlock many doors to discover the emotion(s) that keep us from things like: benefiting from scoring well on tests, speaking in front of groups or any other limiting behaviors.
Neuroscientist Candace Pert, Ph.D. has shown that the mind is not just in the brain, but it is also found in many places of the body. In her groundbreaking work, she discovered emotions have a chemical equivalent and the emotions we communicate with every day correlate to molecules that are short chains of amino acids called peptides and receptors. This peptide receptor network is found not only in the brain but extends to all areas of the body including muscles and endocrine glands, so emotional memory is stored in the body, not just the brain.
Perfection and Performance; the two biggest imaginary worries we face in life. They haunt us from childhood onward. Our core ‘cellular’ belief system rules the Conscious mind. A truly direct, honest answer must involve not only our conscious mind but also the subconscious and cellular memory. Again, real healing must acknowledge our entire life experience. It’s no secret that memory is recorded in many parts of the brain, as well as in vital spinal centers which retain patterns of programmed function and so do organs as well as every cell of the body.
So, what we believe, based on perceptions during our growing up years to about age six, has the power to make alterations throughout our entire body. Today often looks and feels like a time based on yesterday, several months ago, or even years before.
Emotional clearing and transforming at the core cellular level releases stress associated with a specific event, and therefore can free up or release old perceptions, thought patterns, and behaviors.